How Can I Sell My Products Online}

How Can I Sell My Products Online


Kyle FarrahIf you are a small business owner, you have probably thought about creating a website for your small business. However, everything looks really complicated, or expensive, so you procrastinated from doing it.

In this article I will try to address what you will need, in order to create a website for your small business so that you can start selling your products online.

1) First you will need to buy a WYSIWYG. A WYSIWYG is a piece of software that allows you to create a website, by just pointing, clicking, and typing. It’s about as simple as creating a document with Microsoft Word. A decent WYSWYG will probably cost you between $300 – $400.

2) Next you will need a web host. A web host is what you need to put your website online. They will give you a certain amount of storage space, bandwidth, etc. For the most part you probably don’t need to worry about this, unless you plan on getting a lot of page views to your site, or making a large website, the amount of bandwidth, and storage space, probably won’t effect you. Web hosting will probably cost you between $10 – $20 per month.

3) Now you need to get a shopping cart service. This is what allows you to create an online store, where people can make payments, and purchase products from you online. You will have to pay about $100 a year, for a fairly good shopping cart software.

4) You will now have to buy a domain name. This is basically what people type in to find your website. Ex. YOURSITE [DOT] COM. This will cost you $10 per year.

5) Finally you will need to get people to promote your website. Sense you probably know very little about the internet, you have no idea about how to get started promoting a website. First you have to hire an SEO consulting firm. This will probably cost you at least $1000. Then you will have to pay someone to submit your websites to directories. This will cost you a few hundred dollars. And finally you will have to do PPC (Pay per click) advertising. In order to do this, you will have to purchase keyword software, which will cost you $300 per year, if you want to use WordTracker, which is the most commonly used one on the internet.

So in order to create a website, which gets page views, can be found in the Search Engines, and has the ability to make sales on it, you would have to pay over $400 per year, plus you will have to pay over $1000 to begin creating your website.

Though this is expensive, it is highly worth the high price. You will be able to generate many sales, by creating a website.

If you own a family business, you may want to read

this article

that I wrote. To learn to send proffesional emails please go here:

Proffesional Emailing

. If you don’t already have a website, learn how to create one by going here:

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Petroleum Based Moisturizers Linked To Skin Cancer

By Bill Rowell

Note: We have chosen not to name the products or manufacturers in the study referenced in this article. The reason is that the products used in this study contain commonly used petroleum based ingredients, probably found in 90% of skin creams and moisturizers on the market today. It is therefore unfair to name those 4 companies, when most of the moisturizers on the market contain these petroleum based ingredients.

A recent study conduced at Rutgers University showed some commonly used moisturizers with petroleum ingredients caused an alarming increase in the rate and size of skin cancer tumors in mice.

Petroleum based ingredients are commonly used in many skin care products such as moisturizers. This is because these ingredients can produce an inexpensive cream which has a nice feel to it, creates a good dermal barrier, is effective at keeping moisture in the skin, all while hydrating the skin to a small degree. Mineral oil (a form of kerosene), also referred to as paraffin oil or liquid paraffin, white petrolatum, and paraffin wax are the most commonly used ingredients in skin care products today, used in the base cream for creating an oil and water emulsion. The industry is changing. At Rowell Laboratories, we saw proof from a pre-clinical study (done on mice) of the some of the more serious problems related to petroleum in skin cream moisturizers last year when a study conducted at Rutgers University was published, but it was our awareness of the concerns of many of the homeopathic physicians, and others in the natural and homeopathic communities, that originally caught our attention.

A study conducted last fall (publicized Aug. 14, 2008) by Allen H. Conney, PhD, director of the Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Research, and his colleagues, found that frequent application of some commonly used skin creams cause an increase in the number of tumors and tumor growth in mice.

Dr. Cooney and his colleagues at Rutgers University were preparing a pre-clinical mouse study on the effectiveness of topical caffeine in the prevention of skin cancer, with the intention of using the topical caffeine in a Phase I human skin study for the same purpose. Their product was to be prepared by using a commonly available moisturizing skin cream base, and adding their “active ingredient”, caffeine or a caffeine compound to it. They figured that they had better try their selected base for the study on mice first without the caffeine as a control group before conducting their skin/caffeine study. What they found was completely unexpected: the base without the caffeine caused a significant increase in the size and number of tumors in the mice.


This led to new tests of this skin moisturizer base and 3 other commonly used bases or skin moisturizing creams. For these new studies, researchers used hairless mice, exposed to ultraviolet light (UV-B in this study) twice a week for 20 weeks early in life. It should be noted that with no more exposure to the UV light, these mice will eventually develop skin cancer. “This (the tumor growth) was unexpected. We really did not expect to see the tumor promoting activity of these creams.”, said Conney. This is much like children who get too much exposure to UV radiation or sunlight , according to other studies.

While assigning each of the 4 moisturizers to its own group of mice, researchers rubbed a small amount of the moisturizer, 100 milligrams – about the size of a small drop of water, into each of the mices’ skin, once a day, five days a week for 17 weeks. The results were an increase in tumors ranging from 24% to 95% depending on the moisturizer used.

Then another study was conducted by the same group of researchers. A special blend moisturizer was developed by Johnson & Johnson that did not contain ingredients from the other four creams used in the above study. This new study used this J&J custom blend and the previous study was then repeated. The results: Topical applications of the specially designed custom blend cream to high-risk mice was not tumorigenic. By the end of the study, only the mice treated with the custom blended moisturizer did not develop squamous cell carcinoma. In other words, the custom blend did not promote skin cancer.

“The multimillion dollar question is, what about humans?” Conney asks. “The answer is, we don’t know. Our study raises a red flag and points out the need for epidemiologists to take a look at people who use moisturizing creams. And the companies that market these products should take a look at animal models and see if their products promote tumors.”

It is important to note that these moisturizers did not cause cancer in mice. That was a result of their early life exposure to UV radiation in the lab. These were hairless mice, exposed to ultraviolet light 2x per week for 20 weeks early in their life.

With the exception of this one cream used in the study where the ingredients are not known, the skin creams used in this study all had one ingredient in common: mineral oil, an ingredient found in most moisturizers used today. The three of the four moisturizers contained this ingredient in significant concentrations, while the fourth moisturizer ingredients could not be found. What exactly is mineral oil? Mineral oil or liquid petroleum or paraffin oil is a form of kerosene, a by-product in the distillation of petroleum to produce gasoline and other petroleum based products from crude oil. Kerosene is also known as thin mineral oil.

There is some speculation that the tumors were not caused by the ingredients in the creams used, but rather caused by making the skin more supple, or shiny effecting how the light interacted with the skin, or in some way changing the properties of the dermal barrier of the skin, making it more susceptible to the UV radiation. This will have to be left for future studies.

Additionally, there has been conflicting information about the potential toxicity or carcinogenicity of mineral oil and Petroleum Jelly in the last few years. The results can be argued forever, and any study can be criticized, but the facts remain the same: these commonly used daily moisturizers, with petroleum based ingredients, did produce cancerous tumors in mice, where the custom blend without the petroleum did not.

The original article on the study was published Aug. 14, 2008 published in the online version of Journal of Investigative Dermatologyon. The study can be found here:

Correspondence for Dr. Conney can be directed to: Dr Allan H. Conney, Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Research, Department of Chemical Biology, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 164 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8020, USA. E-mail:

The Johnson & Johnson Custom Blend Ingredients used were: purified water, propylene glycol, stearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, polysorbate 20, isopropyl myristate, C12-15 alkyl benzoate, benzoic acid, glycerin, and sodium hydroxide.

Our Rowell skincare products do not contain any petroleum based ingredients. We have developed our products with a wonderful base moisturizer containing all natural oils and ingredients, such as aloe vera, shea oil, sunflower oil, and grape seed oil, while being petroleum free.

About the Author: Bill Rowell, President – NatureCare Skincare Products ~ Homeopathic ~ Petroleum-free ~ Gluten-free Visit Rowell Laboratories, Inc. at


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5 Key Steps To Teach Your Child To Become Self Aware

By Ruth Edensor

Being self aware means that you are conscious of what you are doing and how it affects your life, in other words you understand that if you do a certain thing you will get a certain result. As adults we know that this is not always easy to and that we usually have to work hard to remember to do it. If you teach your children to grow up self aware you are giving them vital tools to build the life of their dreams. They will be able to understand who they are, what their skills, weakness and strengths are and how their behaviour affects others and their selves.

They will also be able to;

Self motivate

Improve social skills

Set goals and work towards them

Show empathy towards others

Manage their feelings appropriately


Solve problems

Keep themselves safe

Stay healthy

Find out what they enjoy doing

Understand the consequences of their actions

I am sure you agree that the benefits are huge.

Here are 5 steps to help you teach your child to become self aware.

1.Have some quiet time.

You need to give your child some peace and quiet if they are to become self aware because it is then that they can stop thinking about everything that is around them and just listen to their own thoughts and feelings.

Having no music, TV, computers or other distractions and activities will benefit even very small children because it is then that they listen to every day sounds and really get to know there environment, which also helps them with their speech and language skills. So turn off the everyday distractions and enjoy some quiet time each day.

2.Be a good role model.

If you practise being self aware yourself then it is going to be very likely that your children will follow you naturally as you pass it on.

3.Coach and guide them.

By coaching and guiding your child to be self aware constantly and routinely, it will become second nature and a habit.

4.Help them to be reflective

When your child has done something positive or negative you can help them to reflect on what they have done to help them to see the consequences of their actions. For example asking them, How did that make you feel? Or, What went well when you did that? What could you do differently to get a better result? What did you learn?

5.Use positive parenting techniques.

Positive parenting techniques encourage children to think about what they are doing. If you are just dictating and telling your children what to do all they will learn to do as they are told without questioning. On the other hand if you have taught them to reason and think for them selves you will find that they will be self directing and think and plan ahead for themselves instead of waiting to be told what to do.

Doing these 5 things consistently everyday means that you will most definitely be successful in teaching your children to be self aware and give them a great start in life.

About the Author: I am a Child Behaviour Consultant and Author of A Parents Guide To Children’s Behaviour I am from the UK, with 30 years experience of working with children. I have an honours Psychology degree and I am the founder of Child Behaviour Direct. I work with parents to help them to bring out the best in their children and improve their behaviour. Please go to


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Easy Guitar Lessons For Everybody}

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Submitted by: Mary R. Moore

Did you ever wish to play guitar but you just couldn’t get yourself to start? It’s a common misconception these days that to learn guitar fast can be somewhat an overwhelming task, but the thing is, we are now awash with modern-day technology that’s making things a lot easier. And there are easy guitar lessons anybody can take up and master.

Here are some simple instructions you can take up and follow:

First things’ first, you have to learn how you can carry your guitar. You may have noticed that people are usually having fun playing the instrument over their knee. In your case, you can maintain the instrument directly for comfort. There will be times when your guitar will slide away while playing each time you stretch your backside just to glance at your positioned fingertips around the frets. This is just normal as you learn guitar solo. But even though, you should still avoid bad routines especially that you are still starting. It’s really important to maintain your instrument in a comfortable, close up and upright position.


After getting yourself comfortable with your playing positions, it’s now time to study the six basic chords used and focusing on your guitar’s four initial frets as you learn guitar songs on an actual note graph. Frets are those areas all over the neck that produces different notes. And because there are six standard strings in your guitar, you will also see six visible stripes on the graph symbolizing your actual guitar strings.

You can readily research various chords on the Internet with detailed instructions as to how your fret fingers should be properly positioned so you can produce various notes. These basics will serve as your foundation to learning and mastering more complicated chords and notes which enables you to play any song you would want.

The basic chords allow you to perform few popular songs through shifting your fretting hand’s palm all over the guitar strings. To facilitate comfortable balancing, you must maintain control with both hands while shifting to other chords. It’s not smart to hurry with the shifting. The key is to ease your way by creating the proper and actual note before shifting to another. This is how you are supposed to master your way playing different and complex chords.

The best way to learn songs on guitar is a serious practice of these basic chords. Most of the all-time popular songs take only a handful of chords to perform with three of four simplified progressions in different forms. And the quicker you get to learn these basic chords and especially transitioning in between them, the quicker you will also learn any guitar songs that you can think of.

The Internet is again a great platform where you can learn your favorite guitar songs with so many sites posting chords and tabs to so many songs. Learning how to play the guitar and the songs that can be played by it has never been easier thanks to easy guitar lessons. Grab your guitar now and get on with it.

About the Author: Thanks for viewing my article! If you really want to discover how to quickly and easily learn bass guitar in next to no time at all, then this FREE report at

will show how you too can learn guitar songs!


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Other Benefits Of A Hot Stone Massage

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By Morgan F Turley

Hot stone massage therapy is a derivative of stone massage therapy in which water-treated stones are placed at particular places on the body of the client. The particular placement of these stones is intended to promote relaxation and work to open up blocked energy pathways throughout the client’s body. While heated stones are featured prominently during this form of massage, they are not exclusively used throughout the massage. Generally these heated stones work as way of pre-treating muscles before the therapists performs deep tissue massage with their hands. Occasionally, heated stones are alternated with the use of chilled stones, depending on the needs of the client. In almost all cases, a hot stone massage involves the use of some kind of massage oil. Depending on the type of stone used, sometimes these oils are naturally occurring in the stones themselves.

Regardless of particular health issues, there are certain benefits everyone receiving a hot stone massage can receive. The penetrating heat from the stones promotes a deep level of muscle and tissue relaxation that can otherwise be difficult to achieve. This form of massage also works at relieving stress, releasing toxins, pain relief, improvement of circulation, and a calming of the psyche. Therapists prefer this form of massage as the heat from the stones makes the skin much more pliable and receptive to deep tissue massage.

While everyone can receive the various therapeutic benefits associated with a hot stone massage, there are certain health conditions that have seen marked improvements with the incorporation of hot stone massage. Clients with muscular aches and pains associated with both acute and chronic conditions can greatly benefit from hot stone massage. The heat from the stones penetrates even the sorest of muscles and with regular sessions, muscular pain can be greatly reduced.


Back pain is a common complaint among people, especially those with jobs requiring long periods of sitting or standing in one place. This back pain is commonly associated with overworked/underworked muscles that become tight and knotted. Hot stone massage coupled with the deep tissue massage a therapist often incorporates into the session can gradually loosen these muscles and provide great degrees of comfort to the client.

Unfortunately, stress and anxiety are health conditions commonly experienced by people. When clients allow themselves to set aside time on a weekly basis for simple relaxation, they will instantly experience a decrease in their stress and anxiety levels. While this may only be temporary at first, over time, these reduction levels can be more lasting.

There are some types of stones used in hot stone massage that lend themselves to providing clients with relief from insomnia. The natural healing properties of some of these stones stimulate receptors that make it easier for clients to fall asleep.

Health conditions like MS, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and depression can also be improved with the use of hot stone massage along with more conservative treatments. While massage obviously cannot ‘cure’ some health conditions, the relief provided by its benefits can make clients a lot more comfortable.

About the Author: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading

hot stone massage

supplies provider. They carry products such as

massage stone

, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.


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